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Transgender activism
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Headshot of Rupert Raj (1989)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Date: Mar. 21, 1989 Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender activism Subject: Rupert Raj Description: A black and white headshot of Rupert Raj in a patterned jacket, striped shirt, and tie. -
Interview with Aaron Devor
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Devor, Aaron, Taylor, Evan Date: Jun. 17, 2020 Topics: Education, Feminism, Gender identity, Gender non-conforming identity, Gender studies, Jewish LGBTQ+ people, Justice, LGBTQ+ activism, LGBTQ+ archives, LGBTQ+ communities, Prisons, Research, Social advocacy, Transgender activism, Transgender archives, Transgender studies, Women's movement Subject: Aaron Devor, MTHF, Standards of Care, University of Victoria, World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Description: Oral history with Aaron Devor discussing his work in academia, activism, and archives. -
Interview with Aidan Key
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Key, Aidan Date: Jan. 23, 2016 Topics: Coming out, FtMs, Gender-affirming care, Genderfluid identity, Genderqueer people, Hormones, Leather community, Lesbian culture, LGBTQ+ bars, Racism, Transgender activism Subject: Aidan Key, Creating Change, Gender Odyssey, Tretter Transgender Oral History Project Description: Aidan Key is a white gender fluid trans man raised in the United States. At the time of this interview, Key was living and working in Washington as an educator and an organizer. In this oral histor... -
Interview with Aldita Gallardo
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Gallardo, Aldita Date: Jan. 16, 2020 Topics: Anti-transgender violence, BIPOC, Latino/a/x transgender people, LGBTQ+ people of color, LGBTQ+ youth, Public health, Trans women, Transgender activism, Transgender community centers Subject: Borealis Philanthropy, El/La Para Translatinas, Fund for Trans Generations Description: An interview with Aldita Gallardo, a Latinx trans woman, community organizer, and former youth worker based in Oakland, California. At the time of this interview, she served as a Senior Program Ass... -
Interview with Alex Lee
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Lee, Alex Date: Nov. 17, 2019 Topics: Asian American transgender people, Legal services, LGBTQ+ imprisonment, Police harassment, Prisoners--Civil rights, Social justice, Transgender activism, Transgender people, Transmasculine people Subject: Funders for LGBTQ Issues, Grantmakers United for Trans Communities (GUTC), TransAction Description: An interview with Alexander Li-Hua Lee, an Asian American trans masculine activist and attorney from Oakland, California. At the time of this interview, he was the Project Director for the Grantmak... -
Interview with Carter Brown and Diamond Stylz
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Brown, Carter, Stylz, Diamond Date: Jan. 17, 2020 Topics: Anti-transgender discrimination, BIPOC, Black transgender people, LGBTQ+ visibility, Trans men, Trans women, Transgender activism, Transgender community, Transgender employment, Transgender people of color Subject: Black Trans Advocacy Coalition (BTAC), Black Trans Women, Inc., Black Transmen, Inc., Marsha's Plate Description: An interview with Carter Brown and Diamond Stylz. Carter Brown is a Black trans man, activist, and community organizer from Dallas, Texas. Brown is the founder of Black Transmen, Inc., and served ... -
Interview with Cathy Kapua
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Kapua, Cathy Date: Oct. 29, 2020 Topics: Anti-transgender violence, BIPOC, Decriminalization, Imprisonment, Sex work, Trans women, Transfeminine people, Transgender activism, Transgender community, Transgender people of color Subject: Hawai'i Health & Harm Reduction Center, Kulia Na Mamo, Trans Justice Funding Project Description: An interview with Cathy Kiana Keiko Kapua, a Native Hawaiian māhūwahine and trans woman, community organizer, and public health advocate based on O'ahu. At the time of this interview, she was Deput... -
Interview with Chase Strangio
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Strangio, Chase Date: Dec. 2, 2020 Topics: Anti-discrimination law, Detention of LGBTQ+ people, LGBTQ+ immigration rights, LGBTQ+ visibility, Transgender activism, Transgender people, Transgender political activists, Transmasculine people, White transgender people Subject: Aimee Stephens, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Chelsea Manning, Gavin Grimm, Gerald Bostock, LGBT & HIV Project, Sylvia Rivera Law Project Description: Chase Strangio is a white transmasculine attorney and activist. At the time of this interview, he was a staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and served as Deputy Director f... -
Interview with De Sube
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Sube, De Date: Jul. 17, 2020 Topics: LGBTQ+ support groups, LGBTQ+ visibility, Trans women, Transgender activism, Transgender community, Transgender political activists, Transitioning (Gender), White transgender people Subject: Gender Expression Movement, Transgender Assistance Program of Virginia, Virginia Values Act Description: An interview with De Sube is a white trans woman and activist based in Virginia Beach, Virginia. At the time of this interview, she served as the Chairperson, Director of Client Services, and Treas... -
Interview with Emmett Schelling
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Schelling, Emmett Date: Dec. 1, 2020 Topics: Asian LGBTQ+ people, Health care for LGBTQ+ people, Transgender activism, Transgender people, Transgender political activists, Transitioning (Gender), Transmasculine people Subject: San Antonio Gender Association (SAGA), Transform Houston, TransFORWARD, Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) Description: An interview with Emmett Schelling, a transmasculine activist based in San Antonio, Texas. At the time of this interview, Schelling was the Executive Director of the Transgender Education Network o... -
Interview with Essence Thompson
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Thompson, Essence Date: Aug. 7, 2020 Topics: Anti-transgender violence, BIPOC, Black transgender people, Family members, Harassment, Murders of LGBTQ+ people, Trans women, Transgender activism, Transgender people in the workplace, Transgender people of color, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Equality Virginia, Nationz Foundation Description: An interview with Essence Thompson, a Black trans woman, performer, community advocate, and union meatpacker based in Richmond, Virginia. In this oral history interview, Thompson discusses her upbr... -
Interview with Frank Constantino, Part I
Collection: Marsha P. Johnson & Sylvia Rivera Collection Institution: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center Creator: Kearns, John J., Constantino, Frank Date: Mar. 16, 2002 Topics: Latino/a/x transgender people, LGBTQ+ people with alcohol use disorders, LGBTQ+ unhoused people, Puerto Rican women, QTPOC, Trans women, Transgender activism, Transgender political activists, Venezuelan Americans Subject: Disney World, Marsha P. Johnson Description: An interview with Frank Constantino, Sylvia Rivera's long-time former partner. Constantino talks about their relationship and Rivera's life when they were together. (Part II can be accessed using t... -
Interview with Gabriel Foster
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of Minnesota Creator: Foster, Gabriel Date: Nov. 19, 2019 Topics: Black queer people, Black transgender people, LGBTQ+ youth, LGBTQ+ youth centers, Transgender activism, Transgender youth, Transmasculine people Subject: American Friends Service Committee, Lambert House, Sylvia Rivera Law Project, Trans Justice Funding Project Description: An interview with Gabriel Foster, a Black queer and trans activist, youth worker, and community organizer. At the time of this interview, he was the co-founder and executive director of the Trans ... -
Interview with Gwendolyn Howard
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: RI LGBTQ+ Community Archives at Providence Public Library Creator: Howard, Gwendolyn Date: Mar. 30, 2020 Topics: Anti-transgender violence, Health care for LGBTQ+ people, LGBTQ+ civil rights, LGBTQ+ discrimination, Mental disorders, Non-binary people, Passing (Gender), Queer youth, Social workers, Trans women, Transgender activism, Transgender clergy, Transgender community, Transgender youth, Transitioning (Gender), Transphobia Subject: PFLAG, TGI Network of Rhode Island, Unitarian Universalist Association Description: An interview with Reverend Dr. Gwendolyn Howard. Reverend Dr. Howard is a transgender woman, Unitarian Universalist minister, social worker, and activist. Topics in order of discussion include: com... -
Interview with Jaye Watts
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: RI LGBTQ+ Community Archives at Providence Public Library Creator: Watts, Jaya Date: Apr. 11, 2020 Topics: Anti-transgender violence, BIPOC, Gender markers, Hate crimes, Health care for LGBTQ+ people, LGBTQ+ civil rights, LGBTQ+ demonstrations, LGBTQ+ discrimination, LGBTQ+ people of color, LGBTQ+ victims of bullying, Medical care, Non-binary people, Official documentation, Social workers, Trans men, Transgender activism, Transgender children, Transgender youth, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Affordable Care Act, Children's Bill of Rights in Rhode Island, Options Magazine, Safe Schools Act Description: An interview with Jaye Watts. Jaye is a transgender man, political activist, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Topics in order of discussion include: transgender civil rights and legal protectio...