Digital Transgender Archive
- A Girlie Was Just Made to Love1
- A Guide to Crossdressing1
- A Handbook for Transsexuals1
- A Hard Day's Night1
- A Louca da Consolação (film)1
- A Low Life in High Heels2
- A Man Like Eva1
- A Man's Tale2
- A Modern Sphinx1
- A New View of A Woman's Body1
- A Parisian Romance1
- A Queer and Pleasant Danger1
- A Queer and Pleasant Danger: A Memoir1
- A Red Bloom1
- A Return to Love1
- A Rose News7
- A Self-Made Man: The Diary of a Man Born in a Woman's Body1
- A Shot of Manhood1
- A Streetcar Named Desire1
- A Tale of Two Sexes2