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Letter from Elaine to Rupert Raj
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Date: Unknown Topics: FtMs, MtFs, Transgender people Description: Letter from Elaine [redacted] to Rupert Raj, in which Elaine sends a poem for consideration. Elaine also inquires generally about Rupert Raj's identity and asks about the transsexual scene in Toronto. -
Letter from Enrica to Rupert Raj (January 4, 1988)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Enrica Date: Jan. 4, 1988 Topics: Estrogen, FtMs, Hormone therapy (Gender), South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transsexualism Subject: Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj Description: Letter from Enrica to Rupert Raj requesting estrogenic hormones for breast growth, as well as advice on other gender-affirming care. -
Letter from Evelyn Gigantes (January 22, 1986)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Gigantes, Evelyn Date: Jan. 22, 1986 Topics: Anti-discrimination law, Sexual offenses laws Subject: Rupert Raj Description: Letter from Evelyn Gigantes asking friends and associates to appear in a public hearing for Bill 7 (Equality Rights) at the Legislature's Standing Committee on Justice. Gigantes wants to amend Bill... -
Letter from Evelyn Gigantes to Rupert Raj (August 27, 1986)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Gigantes, Evelyn Date: Aug. 27, 1986 Topics: Anti-discrimination law, Legal name change, Transgender activism Subject: Evelyn Gigantes, Rupert Raj Description: Letter from Evelyn Gigantes to Rupert Raj, updating Raj on the status of Bill 7 (Equity Rights). Gigantes also shares details about the legal name change process for transsexual individuals. -
Letter from Evelyn Gigantes to Rupert Raj (February 27, 1986)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Gigantes, Evelyn Date: Feb. 27, 1986 Topics: FtMs, Gender dysphoria, Medical care, Transgender community, Transgender people Subject: Rupert Raj Description: Letter from Evelyn Gigantes to Rupert Raj expressing frustration that the Ontario Human Rights Code would not be amended to include transgender people. -
Letter from Evert van der Veen (January 18, 1986)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: van der Veen, Evert, Ketelaars, Paul Date: Jan. 18, 1986 Topics: FtMs, Gender dysphoria, Medical care, Transgender community, Transgender people Subject: Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT), Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj, Utrecht University Description: Letter from Evert van der Veen informing Rupert Raj that the University Utrecht Gay Studies work group plans to include Metamorphosis in their study. -
Letter from F. Brantley Scott to Rupert Raj (August 6, 1973)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Date: Aug. 6, 1973 Topics: FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Trans men Description: Letter from F. Brantley Scott to Rupert Raj, responding to Raj's previous letter about gender affirming care that Scott is willing to offer. Scott discusses hysterectomy and the construction of the... -
Letter from F. Brantley Scott to Rupert Raj (March 19, 1974)
Letter from F. Brantley Scott to Rupert Raj (October 15, 1973)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Scott, Brantley F. Date: Oct. 15, 1973 Topics: FtMs, Gender affirming surgery Description: Letter from F. Brantley Scott to Rupert Raj explaining some questions Rupert had proposed before. He describes that so far no other trans men have undergone the surgery they're proposing to him and... -
Letter from Florence to Rupert Raj (January 21, 1985)
Letter from Florence to Rupert Raj (May 11, 1985)
Letter from Garrett Oppenheim to Rupert Raj (February 24, 1982)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Oppenheim, Garrett Date: Feb. 24, 1982 Topics: LGBTQ+ activism, Transgender activism, Transgender people Subject: Confide, Garrett Oppenheim, LGBTQ+ organizations, Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj, Transition Description: Letter from Garrett Oppenheim rejecting the request to reprint articles and informing Rupert that there is a transsexual counseling service in New York already named Metamorphosis. -
Letter from Glenda Rene Jones to Rupert Raj (December 30, 1989)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Jones, Glenda Rene Date: Dec. 30, 1989 Topics: Crossdressers, DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), Transgender community Subject: Rupert Raj Description: Letter from Glenda Rene Jones to Rupert Raj regarding the development of transgender culture within the framework of mental health. -
Letter from GMK to Ariadne Kane
Collection: Fantasia Fair: Miscellaneous Documents Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Date: Dec. 12, 1983 Topics: Crossdressing, Gender expression Subject: American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), Ariadne Kane, Outreach Institute of Gender Studies (OIGS), Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self Description: Letter from GMK to Ariadne Kane dated December 12, 1983. G writes to Ariadne about Tri-Ess, therapy, and the Outreach Institute. -
Letter from H. Martin Malin to Rupert Raj (March 18, 1986)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Malin, H. Martin Date: Mar. 18, 1986 Topics: FtMs, LGBTQ+ support groups, MtFs Subject: Janus Information Facility, Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj, Sexology Associates Inc. Description: Letter from Dr. H. Martin Malin to Rupert Raj about the nature of the female-to-male transsexual community in the D.C. area. He says that a support group has been recently created for female-to-mal...