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Laverne Cummings (5)
Laverne Cummings (6)
Laverne Cummings (7)
LaVerne Cummings Headshot in Formal Attire
LaVerne Cummings in Black Gown
LaVerne Cummings Posing Lying Down in Pink Dress
LaVerne Cummings Reclining in Dress
Lawrie in drag. Photographic postcard, ca. 1910.
Lawrie in male clothes. Photographic postcard, ca. 1910.
Le beau raisin
Collection: Postcards of Female and Male Impersonators and Cross-dressing Institution: Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University Creator: Kunzli, Freres, Stebbing Date: 1903 Topics: Male impersonators Description: Inscription: "Series of love notes addressed to a woman named Albertine Frémoul from a man identifying himself as “votre fiancé” (signature partially illegible: “G. Rammeno...” Set of 5 cards with ... -
Le berceuse du gosselin
Collection: Postcards of Female and Male Impersonators and Cross-dressing Institution: Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University Creator: ELD Date: circa 1905 Topics: Female impersonators Description: Middle-aged man holding a porcelain doll and dressed as a nanny in a lace cap and apron. Divided verso. -
Le Carrousel (1952)
Collection: Drag Show Programs Institution: JD Doyle Archives Creator: Lasquin, Robert Date: 1952 Topics: Cabaret, Drag, Drawings, Entertainers, Female impersonators, Transgender people Subject: Baby Martell, Bambi, Caprice, Capucine, Chery Parker, Claude Christy, Coccinelle, Cricri Mory, Dany Dan, Dolly, Everest, Fetiche, Florence, Frederic Navarre, Gerard Duflot, Jacky, Jean Vergnaud, Karina, Kiki Moustic, Les-Lee, Madame Arthur Night Club, Micaelli, Mickey Mercer, Miriame, Novac, Pamela, Philippe D'Avila, Rita Del Oro, Romance, Rubis, Sylvain, Tracy-Lee -
Le Carrousel (1956)
Collection: Drag Show Programs Institution: JD Doyle Archives Creator: Lasquin, Robert Date: 1956 Topics: Cabaret, Dancers, Drag, Entertainers, Female impersonators, Striptease, Transgender people Subject: Bambi, Capucine, Chantal, Claude Andre, Claude Christy, Coccinelle, Dany Dan, Francis Lorry, Gina Ginn's, Hula, Kiki Moustic, Les-Lee, Lucky Sarcell, Lucrece, Madame Arthur Night Club, Madiana, Maslowa, Maxime, Michaelli, Pamela, Pepa Darena, Pepe, Regine, Rolandys, Rubis, Sandy Karina, Sone Teal et Bruce, Sophia, Sylvain, Toinou Costes, Tony April, Zambella -
Le Carrousel Program
Collection: Drag Show Programs Institution: Transas City Creator: Lasquin, Robert Date: circa 1959 to circa 1965 Topics: Cabaret, Drag, Entertainers, Female impersonators, Photography, Theatre, Transgender people Subject: April Ashley, Bambi, Capucine, Claude Andre, Claude Christy, Coccinelle, Cora Delly, Cricri Mory, Dany Dan, Everest, Gerard Duflot, Gil Garson, Gina Ginn's, Henri Barjac, Hula, Jan Carlove, Kiki Moustic, Les-Lee, Lucky Sarcell, Madame Arthur Night Club, Marie-Pierre Pruvot, Max Amyl, Mickey Mercer, Rafael Molina, Ranck Ludor, Rita Del Oro, Robert Dalbret, Rolandys, Rubis, Sone Teal, Sylvain, Toinou Costes, Tony April, Zarah -
Le droit de passage
Collection: Postcards of Female and Male Impersonators and Cross-dressing Institution: Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University Creator: Kunzli, Freres, Stebbing Date: 1903 Topics: Male impersonators Description: Inscription: "Series of love notes addressed to a woman named Albertine Frémoul from a man identifying himself as “votre fiancé” (signature partially illegible: “G. Rammeno...” Set of 5 cards with ...