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  1. Our Special Joy, Vol. 3 No. 11 (November, 1983)

    Collection: Our Special Joy
    Institution: Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University
    Creator: Moran, Mary Jane
    Date: Nov. 1983
    Topics: Appearance, Arrests, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Discrimination, Femininities, Gatherings, Heterosexuals, Law, LGBTQ+ partners, Lingerie, Police, Wigs
    Subject: A Conversation With Linda Lee, A Year Among the Girls, Alexandra Cruikshank, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Angus Heriot, Anke A. Ehrhardt, Ann Craig, Ann Oakley, April Ashley, April Ashley's Odyssey, Astounding Transvestite Tales, Barry Kay, Barry Shapiro, Be Beautiful, the Complete Guide to the Art of Makeup, Benjamin Walker, Brian Sutton-Smith, C.J.S. Thompson, Canary, Canary Conn, Carlson Wade, Carol Beecroft, Charles Slavik, Chi Delta Mu, Chris Gosselin, Christine Jorgensen, Christine Jorgensen: A Personal Autobiography, Color Me Beautiful, Constance Schrader, Conundrum, Cynthia Cox, Danny La Rue: Life's a Drag, Daphne Morrissey, Darryl Raynor, Deborah Heller Feinbloom, Dee Ratteree, Di Biggs, Diane De Simone, Disco Beauty: Night Time Makeup, Discover a Lovelier You, Donna Martin, Drag: A History of Female Impersonation on the Stage, Dress and Undress: the Sexology of Fashion, DRESSING UP - Transvestism and Drag: The History of an Obsession, Duncan Fallowell, Edna Nixon, Elizabeth Ewing, Emily Cho, Evelyn Roaman, Evgeny Savich, Female Impersonator's Handbook, Femme Mirror, Forbidden Fantasies: Men Who Dare to Dress in Drag, Garrett Oppenheim, Gentleman Transvestite, Geographic Area Leaders (GALS), George W. Henry, Glenn Wilson, Harry Brierly, Hilary M. Lips, Homosexuality, Transvestism, and Change of Sex, How to Be a Woman Though Male, I am a Woman, I Haven't a Thing To Wear, Jan Hayes-Steinert, Jan Morris, Janet Shibley Hyde, Janet Wallach, Jean Adams, Jean DuCoffe, Jo Durden-Smith, John Ames, John Money, John T. Malloy, Judith Keith, Lawrence Langner, Linda Lee, Looking Terrific, Makeovers, Making It Big, a Guide to Health, Success and Beauty for the Women Size 16 and Over, Man & Woman Boy & Girl, Man into Woman, Mario Costa, Mario Martino, Mark Joseph, Maxi Meah, Men in Skirts, Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio, Mike Phillips, Mirror Image: The Odyssey Of A Male-To-Female Transsexual, Mitchel Gray, Myra Waldo, Nancy Hunt, Nina Lee Colwill, Patricia Morgan, Patricia Tucker, Paul Hoffman, Paul Tabori, Peter Ackroyd, Peter Underwood, Regiment of Women, Renee Richards, Reverse Sex: The Life of Jaqueline Charlotte Dufesnoy, Richard Green, Robert J. Stoller, Roberta Cowell's Story, Roberta E. Cowell, Roger Baker, Royal Spy: The Strange Case of the Chevalier d'Eon, Sandy Linter, Second Serve, Sex & Gender, Sex and Identity, Sex and the Brain, Sex and the Supernatural, Sex, Gender, and Society, Sexual Identity Conflict in Children and Adults, Sexual Signatures: on Being a Man or a Woman, Sexual Variations: Fetishism, Sadomasochism and Transvestism, She-Male: The Story of Coccinelle, Sherry Suib Cohen, Society and the Sex Variant, The Evelyn Roaman Book: An Expert Shows You How Heavy Can Be Happy, The Importance of Wearing Clothes, The Lingerie Book, The Male Transvestite, The Man-Maid Doll, The Mysteries of Sex, The New Beauty Book, The Other Women, The Psychology of Clothes, The Psychology of Differences, The Three Transvestites, The Transvestite and His Wife, The Transvestite Survival Manual, The Woman's Dress for Success Book, Thomas Berger, Transvestism, Transvestites and Transsexuals: Mixed Views, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, Tula, Virginia Prince, Your Face After 30: The Total Guide to Skin Care and Makeup for the Realistic Woman
  2. Our Special Joy Vol. 5 No. 1 (July, 1984)

    Collection: Our Special Joy
    Institution: Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University
    Creator: Moran, Mary Jane
    Date: Jul. 1984
    Topics: Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Families, Fetishism, Heterosexuals, LGBTQ+ partners, Medicalisation, Prejudices, Support groups
    Subject: A Conversation With Linda Lee, Adrien Arpel, Adrien Arpel's 3-week Crash Makeover/Shapeover Beauty Program, Alexandra Cruikshank, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), And All Was Revealed, Angus Heriot, Anke A. Ehrhardt, Ann Craig, April Ashley, April Ashley's Odyssey, Astounding Transvestite Tales: Issue 4, Vol. 1, Astounding Transvestite Tales: Issue 6, Vol. 2, Avon, Barry Shapiro, Be Beautiful, the Complete Guide to the Art of Makeup, Benjamin Walker, C.A. Tripp, C.J.S. Thompson, Canary, Canary Conn, Carlson Wade, Carol Beecroft, Carole Jackson, Charles Slavik, Chi Delta Mu, Chi Tribune, Chris Gosselin, Chris Hansen, Color Me Beautiful, Constance Shrader, Conundrum, Danny La Rue: Life's a Drag, Daphne Morrissey, Dee Ratteree, Di Biggs, Diane De Simone, Disco Beauty: Night Time Makeup, Discover a Lovelier You, Dorean Caldwell, Dream Girl, Dressing Up: Transvestism and Drag: The History of an Obsession, Duncan Fallowell, Emergence: A Transsexual Autobiography, Emily Cho, Evelyn Roaman, Fae Robin, Female Impersonator's Handbook, Femme Mirror, April, 1982, Femme Mirror, Jun/Aug/Oct/Dec 1983, Femme Mirror, Vol. 7, No. 1 1982, Forbidden Fantasies: Men Who Dare to Dress in Drag, Garrett Oppenheim, Gentleman Transvestite Volume 1, Gifford House, Glenn Wilson, Harry Brierly, Hilary M. Lips, How to Be a Woman Though Male, I am a Woman, I Haven't a Thing To Wear, Jan Hayes-Steinert, Jan Morris, Janet Shibley Hyde, Janet Wallach, Jean Adams, Jean DuCoffe, Jo Durden-Smith, John Ames, John Money, John T. Malloy, Judith Keith, Ladies Underwear 1907-1980, Linda Lee, Looking Terrific, Makeovers, Making It Big, a Guide to Health, Success and Beauty for the Women Size 16 and Over, Man & Woman Boy & Girl, Mario Martino, Mark Joseph, Maxi Meah, Men in Skirts Book 14, Men in Skirts Book 15, Mike Phillips, Mirror Image: The Odyssey Of A Male-To-Female Transsexual, Mitchel Gray, Muriel Olive, Myra Waldo, Nancy Hunt, Nina Lee Colwill, Out & About, Patricia Morgan, Patricia Tucker, Paul Hoffman, Peter Ackroyd, Peter Barry, Peter Underwood, Pudgy Roberts, Regiment of Women, Renata White, Renee Richards, Richard Green, Ronnie Sue Ebenstein, Sam Coleman, Sandy Linter, Second Serve, Sex and the Brain, Sex and the Supernatural, Sexual Identity Conflict in Children and Adults, Sexual Signatures: on Being a Man or a Woman, Sexual Variations: Fetishism, Sadomasochism and Transvestism, She-Male: The Story of Coccinelle, Sherry Suib Cohen, Sherwood Anderson, The Castrati in Opera, The Evelyn Roaman Book: An Expert Shows You How Heavy Can Be Happy, The Homosexual Matrix, The Lingerie Book, The Male Transvestite, The Man Who Became a Woman, The Man-Maid Doll, The Mysteries of Sex, The New Beauty Book, The Pitfalls and Pleasures of Passing in Provincetown, The Prime of Life and How to Make it Last, The Psychology of Sex Differences, The Transvestite and His Wife, The Transvestite Survival Manual, The Woman's Dress for Success Book, Thomas Berger, Tiffany Club of New England (TCNE), Touch of Silk, Transvestism: A Handbook with Case Studies for Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Counselors, Tri-Ess Family Day, Tri-Ess Metro, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, Tula, Understanding Cross Dressing, Understanding Human Sexuality, Virginia Prince, Working Wardrobe: Affordable Clothes That Work For You, Your Face After 30: The Total Guide to Skin Care and Makeup for the Realistic Woman
  3. Our Special Joy Vol. 5 No. 5 (November, 1984)

    Collection: Our Special Joy
    Institution: Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University
    Creator: Moran, Mary Jane
    Date: Nov. 1984
    Topics: Androgyny, Censorship, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Femininities, Gatherings, Homosexuality, LGBTQ+ sex workers, Library, Masculinities, Passing (Gender)
    Subject: April Ashley, April Ashley's Odyssey, Boy George, Chi Delta Mu, Cindy Smith, Culture Club, Edith Marie, Geographic Area Leaders (GALS), The Life and Times of Virginia, The Man-Maid Doll, The Village Voice, Tootsie, Transvestia, Tri-Ess Metro, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, Westchester Self-Help Clearinghouse
  4. Outreach Newsletter Vol. 9 Nos. 1 & 2 (Fall/Winter 1985)

    Collection: Outreach Publications
    Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan
    Creator: The Human Outreach and Achievement Institute
    Date: Winter 1985
    Topics: Androgyny, Bisexuality, Femininities, Gender role, Masculinities, Sexual health, Sexuality, Upbringing
    Subject: April Ashley, April Ashley's Odyssey, Ari Kane, Bisexuality, a Study, Female-to-Male Transsexualism: Historical, Clinical, and Theoretical Issues, International Symposium on Gender Dysphoria, John Money, Men in Frocks, Sex and Gender: a Theological and Scientific Inquiry, The Androgyne, Reconciliation of The Male and Female, Transsexuality in the Male, TSism in the Male
  5. Poser for a Judge: Is April a woman?

    Collection: April Ashley Collection
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Aug. 3, 1969
    Topics: Courts, Divorce, Gender identity, Marriage, MtFs, Transsexual people
    Subject: April Ashley, Arthur Corbett
    Description: Clipping originally collected by Richard Ekins (from The University of Ulster Trans-Gender Archives/Richard Ekins collection at the Transgender Archives, University of Victoria)
  6. Quote from April Ashley

    Collection: April Ashley Collection
    Institution: Transas City
    Creator: The Boston Record
    Date: Jun. 4, 1967
    Topics: MtFs, Photographic models, Theatre, Transgender people
    Subject: April Ashley, Marlene Dietrich
  7. Real Truth About Those Sex-Change Operations

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Louise Lawrence Transgender Archive
    Creator: Cordoza, Manuel
    Date: Jul. 25, 1964
    Topics: Divorce, Gender realignment surgery, Marriage, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender)
    Subject: April Ashley, Arthur Corbett, Arthur Corbett Rowallan, Britain's Boy Scouts, Carl Hammons, Christine Jorgensen, Christopher Somerset, Coccinelle, Elizabeth Forbes-Semhill, Francois Bonnet, Georgina Turtle, Hedy Jo Starr, Howard J. Knox, Isobel Mitchell, Jacques Dufresnoy, John Cabell Breckinridge, Zdenka Koubkova
  8. Rights of Transsexuals

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Independent Voices
    Creator: A. P.
    Date: Aug. 22, 1975 to Aug. 28, 1975
    Topics: FtMs, Gender realignment surgery, MtFs, Transsexual people
    Subject: Amanda Low, April Ashley, Candy Darling, Christine Jorgensen, Human Rights Commission of San Francisco
  9. Roz Kaveney Meets the Unsinkable April Ashley

    Collection: April Ashley Collection
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: 1962 to 1985
    Topics: Biographies, Bullying, Gender realignment surgery, MtFs, Photographic models
    Subject: April Ashley, April Ashley's Odyssey, European Commission on Human Rights
    Description: Clipping originally collected by Richard Ekins (from The University of Ulster Trans-Gender Archives/Richard Ekins collection at the Transgender Archives, University of Victoria)
  10. Scrapbook 07

    Collection: Scrapbooks and Albums
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Anderson, Adèle
    Date: 1976? to 1978?
    Topics: Androgyny, Clothing, Drag, Drag queens, Feminism, Gay pride, Gender affirming surgery, Gender expression, Gender roles, Law, Lesbianism, Lesbians, LGBTQ+ activism, LGBTQ+ clubs, LGBTQ+ theater, Pay equity, Sexuality, SM, Women's movement
    Subject: Alan Warwick, Ann Kent, April Ashley, Bart Mills, Bel Mooney, Bruce Loudon, Cliff Richard, Cosmopolitan, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, Daphne Davis, David Delacey, David Ross, Della Aleksander, Divine, Dorothy Vanderbilt, Eleanor Hyde, Elsie Baker, Evening News, Evening Standard, Helen Lawreson, James Johnson, James Konrad, Jill Lawson, John Edwards, John Weeks, Kenneth Howard, Marilyn Farmer, Maureen Knight, Maurice Weaver, May Fair Theatre, Michael Coveney, Paul Raymond, Peter Smith, Renee Richards, Richard Wright, Sulina Judd, Sunday Mirror Reporter, Terence Shaw, The Sun, The Times, Trudi Pacter, Woman's World, Women Behind Bars
    Description: This scrapbook includes multiple clippings such as advertisements, a program for "Women Behind Bars," and articles on Renee Richards, Della Aleksander, and April Ashley. This item was made availabl...
  11. Sex Change Breaks Up Old Gang of His (Hers)

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Louise Lawrence Transgender Archive
    Creator: Crews Jr, Watson
    Date: Mar. 22, 1964
    Topics: Army, Clothing, Female impersonators, Gender realignment surgery, Physicians, Strippers, Transitioning (Gender)
    Subject: Abby Sinclair, Alvin Sinclair, April Ashley, Carl Hammonds, Charles Ernest McLeod, Charlotte McLeod, Christine Jorgensen, Coccinelle, Else K. LaRoe, Hedy Jo Starr, I Knew Charlie, Jacques Dufresenois, Sandy Loren, Theodore R. Van Dellen, Velma Golden, Verna Golden
  12. Sex-Change April Clobbered a Cop

    Collection: April Ashley Collection
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Hill, John
    Date: Nov. 30, 1980
    Topics: Arrests, Crimes, MtFs, Police, Transphobia, Transsexual people, Violence
    Subject: April Ashley
    Description: Clipping originally collected by Richard Ekins (from The University of Ulster Trans-Gender Archives/Richard Ekins collection at the Transgender Archives, University of Victoria)
  13. Suzan Cooke Interview Transcript

    Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts
    Institution: GLBT Historical Society
    Creator: Stryker, Susan
    Date: Jan. 10, 1998
    Topics: Arrests, Bullying, Crossdressing, Drag balls, Family members, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Harassment, Judges, Liberation movements, Military, Night life, Peace movement, Police, Rape, Riots, Transsexual people
    Subject: Andy Warhol, April Ashley, Bambi, Cathy Grennier, Center for Special Problems, City of Night, Coccinelle, Elliot Blackstone, Gerard Malanga, Glide Memorial Methodist Church, Haight Ashbury Self-Defense, Harry Benjamin, Jan Maxwell, Jerry Durkin, John Brown, Jose Barbossa, José Sarria, Louise Ergestrasse, Mattachine Society, Melvin Belli, Shannon O'Hara, Suzan Cooke, Trans-Action, Wendy Kohler
    Description: Interview recorded in Hollywood, California with Suzy Cooke
  14. Symposium on Psycholegal Aspects of Sexual Problems (February 1986)

    Collection: Academic Papers and Publications
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Ekins, Richard
    Date: Feb. 1986
    Topics: Biology, Birth certificate amendments, Bisexuality, Discrimination, Ethics, Families, Gender, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Genetics, Homosexuality, Informed consent (Medical law), Law, Malpractice, Marriage, Medicine, Mental disorders, MtFs, Pregnancy, Psychiatry, Psychology, Sexuality, Shoah, Suicide, Transsexualism
    Subject: Amnon Carmi, April Ashley, Arthur Corbett, Corbett v. Corbett, DJ West, European Commission on Human Rights, Gunter Amin, International Centre of Medicine and Law (UNIBO), International Health Society, Israel Medical Association, Israel Ministry of Health, Israeli Psychiatric and Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Associations, M.T. v. J.T., Mary Lorrigan, Medico-legal, Meissner v. Federal Republic of Germany, Rees v. United Kingdom, Schering Health Care Limited, Society for Medicine and Law, Society of Medicine and Law in Israel, Transsexual v. Italy
  15. TGSF Newsletter Vol. 25, Issue 7

    Collection: ETVC
    Institution: Louise Lawrence Transgender Archive
    Creator: Kantz, Ayme
    Date: Jul. 2006
    Topics: Closeted transgender people, Crossdressers, LGBTQ+ books, LGBTQ+ events, LGBTQ+ films, LGBTQ+ support groups, LGBTQ+ television, LGBTQ+ victims of hate crimes, Social privilege, Transgender activism, Transgender community, Transgender newsletters, Transgender youth, Transsexual people, Transvestites
    Subject: April Ashley, Compton's Cafeteria Riots, Educational TV Channel (ETVC), Elliot Blackstone, Gwen Araujo, Kate Bornstein, Transamerica, TransGender San Francisco (TGSF)
    Description: A TGSF Newsletter (The Channel), formerly known as ETVC, that discusses a TV show depicting Gwen Araujo's life, the film Transamerica, pictures from Santa Cruz Pride, and upcoming events for member...