Digital Transgender Archive
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- American Educational Gender Information Service, Inc. (AEGIS)1
- Association of Lesbians, Transgendered, Gays and Bisexuals of Ottawa (ALTGBO)1
- Bobby Barton1
- Butch/FTM Building Coalitions Through Dialogue1
- Canadian Labour Conference1
- Christine Jorgensen1
- Clarke Institute of Psychiatry1
- Crossing Borders1
- Diagnostic of Statistical Medical Disorders1
- Erica Rutherford1
- Eva Bors1
- FTM, Significant Others, Family, Friends, and Allies True Spirit Conference1
- IFGE Convention1
- International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)1
- International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)1
- It's Time America1
- Jamison Green1
- Journal of Obstetric, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing1
- Paris Todd1
- Robin Rogers1