Digital Transgender Archive
- Los Angeles Times5
- Mae West5
- Magnus Hirschfeld5
- Merissa Sherrill Lynn5
- National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)5
- National Gender Lobbying Day5
- New Alexandria Lesbian Library5
- Nicki Gallucci5
- Outreach Institute of Gender Studies (OIGS)5
- People in Search of Safe Restrooms (PISSR)5
- Phyllis Randolph Frye5
- Ray Bourbon5
- San Francisco Human Rights Commission5
- She Even Chewed Tabacco5
- Significant Others Support (SOS)5
- Spouses & Partners International Conference for Education (SPICE)5
- Stephan Thorne5
- Tapestry Magazine5
- Tavern Guild5
- Tenderloin Self Help Center5