Digital Transgender Archive
- Philadelphia Transsexual Support Group1
- Phyllis Randolph Frye1
- Physician's Guide to Transgendered Medicine1
- Psychiatric Grand Rounds: When G.I. Joe and Barbie Trade Places1
- Rambeau1
- Randi Ettner1
- Reverend Canon Clinton R. Jones1
- Rosebuds1
- Rosenberg Clinic1
- Rupert Raj-Gauthier1
- San Francisco AIDS Foundation1
- San Francisco Bay Area Gay and Lesbian Historical Society (SFBAGLHS)1
- Sara Maitland1
- Sex and Gender: a Theological and Scientific Inquiry1
- Sheila Kirk1
- She’s Not There: A Life In Two Genders1
- Slavery, Sex, and Gender1
- Social Services with Transgendered Youth1
- Society for the Scientific Study of Sex1
- Spencer Bergstedt1