Digital Transgender Archive
- Donald Laub1
- Donna Freeman1
- Dorian Gray in the Mirror of the Popular Press1
- Dr. A.G. Hamilton1
- Dubcoe Park1
- Dutch Transgender Film Festival1
- E.T.V.C1
- Ei Meeker1
- Emergence: A Transsexual Autobiography1
- Emmon1
- Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)1
- Estella Gonzales1
- Eve Bucert1
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask1
- Faster Pussycat1
- Female-to-Male Transsexualism: Historical, Clinical, and Theoretical Issues1
- Ferdinand Magellan1
- Finocchio's Club1
- FTM Conference of the Americas1
- FTM Get-Together1