Digital Transgender Archive
- Ann Louise1
- Annabelle Valencia1
- Annmarie Timmins1
- Annual Barony Ball1
- April Ashley1
- April Ashley's Odyssey1
- Ariadne Kane1
- Arlena's Jewel Box1
- As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised As A Girl1
- Associated Press1
- Association of Lesbians, Transgendered, Gays and Bisexuals of Ottawa (ALTGBO)1
- Atlanta Educational Gender Information Service (AEGIS)1
- Augustine Joesph Hull1
- Baby Martell1
- Bambi1
- Barony of Northern Kentucky1
- Barry Shapiro1
- Be Beautiful, the Complete Guide to the Art of Makeup1
- Bea Ladi1
- Benjamin Standards of Care1