Digital Transgender Archive
- Elizabeth Saige Lake1
- Femme Mirror1
- Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr.1
- Florida University International1
- Francois De Choisy1
- Full Personality Expression (F.P.E.)1
- Gemini Gender Group1
- Gender Alliance1
- Great Lakes Council of Gender Groups1
- Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association1
- Heterosexual Cross Dressers Anonymous (HCDA)1
- Holiday At Sea1
- Horizons1
- How the West was Fun1
- Illinois Federation of Human Rights (IFHR)1
- International Conference on Transgender Law & Employment Policy (ICTLEP)1
- It's Time Illinois (ITI)1
- Jane Ellen Fairfax1
- Jerry Falwells1
- Kathryn James1