Digital Transgender Archive
- Manitoba Aboriginal AIDS Task Force1
- Manitoba Harm Reduction Network1
- Manitoba Metis Federation1
- March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation1
- Marcus Arana1
- Margaret Sweatman1
- Marsha P. Johnson1
- Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center1
- Mattachine Society1
- Maurice Kenny1
- Mirror1
- Miss Chief Eagle Testickle1
- Murielle Borst1
- Métis Nation1
- Na Too Ta Win1
- National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls1
- Native North American Lesbian and Gay Literature1
- Native Women Weaving Urban Traditions: An Exploration of Inigenous Women and Their Urban Communities1
- Ndé Bizaa1
- Ndé’isdzan1