Digital Transgender Archive
- Steve Dain3
- Stone Butch Blues3
- Street Transvestites Action Revolutionaries (STAR)3
- Susi Rogol3
- Sweetheart Connection3
- Sylvia Kay3
- T.C. Jones3
- Terry Noel3
- The Central Oklahoma Transgender Alliance (COTA)3
- The Creole Fashion Plate3
- The Lingerie Book3
- The Mysteries of Sex3
- The National Lesbian and Gay Law Association (NLGLA)3
- The Opposite Sex is Neither3
- The Phil Donahue Show3
- The Transgender Menace3
- The Uninvited Dilemma: A Question of Gender3
- The XX Club3
- Tiffany Club of New England (TCNE)3
- Toby Marsh3