Digital Transgender Archive
- Marilyn K. Volker2
- Martine Rothblatt2
- Moonlight in Manhattan NYC2
- Movement for the Establishment of Real Gender Equality (MERGE)2
- Naomi Owen2
- Phyllis Levy2
- Puttin on the Ritz2
- Ramada O'Hare Hotel2
- Riki Anne Wilchins2
- Roger N. Millen2
- Rose Tremain2
- Rupert Raj2
- Sacred Country2
- Sandra Cole2
- Significant Others Support (SOS)2
- Stone Butch Blues2
- Sybil Holiday2
- Tapestry Magazine2
- The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (The Center)2
- The Transsexual's Survival Guide2