Digital Transgender Archive
- Stone Butch Blues2
- Terence C. Buencamino2
- Theseus Counseling Service2
- Transgender Liberation: A Movement whose Time has Come2
- Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self2
- Vested Interests2
- Walter Bockting2
- WBUR Boston2
- Weslee Avery2
- WICE Providence2
- William R. Stayton2
- A Femme/Butch Reader, Joan Nestle1
- A.M. San Francisco1
- American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)1
- Ana Beatriz Nogueria1
- Andrea Marcovicci1
- Andrea Susan1
- Animal Magnetism1
- Anne Fausto-Sterling1
- Anne Ogborn1