Digital Transgender Archive
- Frank Woodhull8
- GenderPAC8
- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)8
- American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)7
- American Psychiatric Association (APA)7
- Barbara McCoy Getz Judy Simmons7
- Greater Cincinnati Gay/Lesbian Coalition7
- It's Time America7
- National Gender Lobbying Day7
- Texas Tea Party7
- Title VII7
- Alan Lanning6
- Christine Jorgensen6
- George Brown6
- HBIGDA Standards of Care for Hormonal and Surgical Sex Reassignment of Gender Dysphoric Persons6
- J. Michael Bailey6
- Mary Ann Foster6
- Peggy Rudd6
- Tapestry Magazine6
- American Educational Gender Information Service, Inc. (AEGIS)5