Digital Transgender Archive
- Boulton and Park Society2
- Cary Cronenwett2
- Christine Tayleur2
- Chrysalis2
- City of Lakes Crossgender Community (CLCC)2
- Compton's Cafeteria Riots2
- Cynthia Phillips2
- Dodi Horvat2
- Donna Mae Stemmer2
- Doris Fish2
- Ed Hansen2
- Educational TV Channel (ETVC)2
- Felicia Elizondo2
- Francine Logandice2
- FTM International2
- Gail Sondegaard2
- Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD)2
- Gay Student Services (GSS)2
- Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us2
- Ginny Knuth2