Digital Transgender Archive
- Holiday En Femme3
- Holly Cross3
- Leslie Feinberg3
- Mariette Pathy Allen3
- Mary Elizabeth3
- Maxi Meah3
- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)3
- Rupert Raj3
- Spouses & Partners International Conference for Education (SPICE)3
- The Indy Report3
- The Village Voice3
- Vox Populi3
- Westchester Self-Help Clearinghouse3
- Wife/Girlfriend Support Group (WGSG)3
- Windy City Chapter3
- Adrien Arpel2
- Adrien Arpel's 3-week Crash Makeover/Shapeover Beauty Program2
- Alexandra Cruikshank2
- Alison Laing2
- Avon2