Digital Transgender Archive
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- American Psychiatric Association (APA)1
- Ana Mendieta1
- Barack Obama1
- Blue Cross Blue Shield1
- Caroline Cossey1
- Elizabeth Bishop1
- Gender Identity Association1
- Gender Identity Clinic of New England (GICNE)1
- George A. Rekers1
- Ghost Ship Fire1
- GQ1
- Handbook of Child and Adolescent Sexual Problems1
- HBIGDA Standards of Care for Hormonal and Surgical Sex Reassignment of Gender Dysphoric Persons1
- International Conference on Transgender Law & Employment Policy (ICTLEP)1
- International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)1
- Laverne Cox1
- Maryanne Moore1
- Mills College1
- New York Police Department (NYPD)1
- Nighboat Books1