Digital Transgender Archive
- Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Tampa Bay1
- Gay Chicago Magazine1
- Gaylord-o-rama strip-o-ganza1
- International Conference on Transgender Law & Employment Policy (ICTLEP)1
- Jack Curtis Dubowsky1
- Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + Collection1
- Jennifer Blowdryer1
- Jerome Caja1
- John E. Palmer1
- Joseph L. Norton1
- Justin Bond1
- Klubstitute1
- Lady Steve1
- Lavender Tortoise1
- Lewistunning Dragapalooza1
- Linda Phillips1
- March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation1
- Michael Collins1
- Miss Trans America Pageant1
- Miss Trans New England Pageant1