Digital Transgender Archive
- All Dressed Up and No Place to Go1
- Art & Illusion1
- Bert and Lori1
- Bettina Rheims1
- Bliss of Becoming One: Integrating "Feminine" Feelings into the Male Psyche1
- Body Alchemy1
- Bonnie Bullough1
- Brain Sex1
- Bridges to Beauty1
- Changes... Understanding the Gender Role Transition1
- Chloe Ann Rounsley1
- Claudine Griggs1
- Confessions of a Gender Defender1
- Coping with Cross-Dressing1
- Coping with Crossdresing1
- Cross Purposes: On Being Christian & Crossgendered1
- Dana Cole1
- Diane Dixon1
- Donald E. Tarver1
- Elements of Style1