Digital Transgender Archive
- Middleton, Lisa Janet1
- Milan, Tiq1
- Montoya, Joshua Pimiento1
- Montreuil, Micheline1
- Mustafa, Izzy1
- Míccolís, Leíla1
- N., Farah1
- Narasimhan, Sabelo1
- Neal, Quinton1
- Nova, Cyd1
- O'Brien, Ethan1
- Ortiz, Natalia1
- Otoni, Paulo1
- Ottoson, Denise R.1
- Park, Pauline1
- Perez, Josephine1
- Pinholt, Karen1
- Planning Committe of the Futures Conference of LGBTIQA Residents of the Houston Metropolitan Area1
- Ramsay, Grace1
- Riggs, Marlon1