Digital Transgender Archive
- King, Nia1
- La Chi Chi Ice1
- Laing, Alison1
- Leger, Will St1
- MacKay, Xanthra Phillippa1
- Mahmood, Zuleikha1
- Malterud, Kirsti1
- Mangle, Sarah1
- Manion, Anthony1
- McDaniel, Tracee1
- Middlebrook, Diane Wood1
- MKD1
- Mortensen, Ellen1
- Mukerjee, Lucy1
- Nangeroni, Nancy1
- Pacifica Radio Archives1
- Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi1
- Pinholt, Karen1
- Pink and Black Attack Collective1
- Planning Committe of the Futures Conference of LGBTIQA Residents of the Houston Metropolitan Area1