Digital Transgender Archive
- Silva, Aguinaldo1
- Skyclad Publishing Co.1
- Slavik, Cathy Charles1
- Smith, Phoebe1
- Society for Individual Rights1
- Special Collections & Archives, Oviatt Library, California State University, Northridge1
- Spex, Gage1
- Storer, Rick1
- Sutro, Joanne1
- T. Demanjo1
- Talamantez Brolaski, Julian1
- The Associated Press1
- The Boston Record1
- The Boulton and Park Society1
- The Human Outreach and Achievement Institute1
- The Outreach Institute1
- The Outreach Institute of Gender Studies (OIGS)1
- The Sacramento Bee1
- The San Diego Union1
- The Tavern Guild1