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Woman, 19, Poses as Man
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000) Institution: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center Creator: BLK Date: Jan. 1991 Topics: Deadnaming, Transmasculine people Description: A clipping from BLK, Vol. 3, No. 1 containing an article that states an individual was arrested and revealed to be "posing as a man". -
Woman Acts Like Bridegroom
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1900-1949) Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Date: May 7, 1914 Topics: Courts, Crossdressing, FtMs, Labour, Marriage, Police Subject: Amie White, Cora Anderson, Dorothy Klenowski, Ralph Kerwinieo Description: Minneapolis Tidende (Minneapolis, Minnesota) -
Woman Assumes Role of Husband and Father
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1900-1949) Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Date: Jul. 15, 1910 Topics: Death and dying, Educators, Families, FtMs, Passing (Gender), Stealth (Transgender) Subject: Eliza Lloyd, Harry Lloyd, Marie Le Roy Description: The Spokane Press (Spokane, Washington) -
Woman Convicted as Man
Woman Cue Star Here This Week
Woman Cueist to Play Against Two Men Here
Woman Dresses as Man; Other Poses as "Wife" to Earn Living for Both
'Woman' Gives Battle, But Proves to Be Man
Woman in Prison As a Man
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1900-1949) Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Date: Oct. 11, 1901 Topics: Arrests, Crossdressing, Employment discrimination, Families, Femininities, Imprisonment, LGBTQ+ relationships, Police Subject: Burt Martin, Lena Martin Description: Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) -
Woman Insists "Husband" Is Man
Woman is "Man" for 18 Years
Woman Lives as a Man for Nine Years.
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1900-1949) Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Date: Jul. 7, 1908 Topics: Crossdressing, Masquerading Subject: Augusta Seib Description: Clipping talking about Augusta Seib's crossdressing. This item was contributed to the DTA by Hugh Ryan. -
Woman Married Woman
Woman Masqueraded as Man; Twice Married, Once Husband, Once Wife
Woman Played Man Forty Years