Digital Transgender Archive

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  1. Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 11 No. 5 (May, 1995)

    Collection: Cross-Port InnerView
    Institution: Digital Transgender Archive
    Creator: Cross-Port
    Date: May 1995
    Topics: Cancer, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Dance, Death and dying, Finances, Gender realignment surgery, Lesbianism, Support groups, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people
    Subject: Be All You Want to Be, Cheyanne Cattle Company, For Boys Who Want to Be Girls: Ms. Erica's Finishing School and Cross-Dressing Academy, John Leguizamo, Ohio Connection, Oklahoma City Bombing, United Dairy Farmers
    Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985)
  2. Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 8 No. 5 (May, 1992)

    Collection: Cross-Port InnerView
    Institution: Digital Transgender Archive
    Creator: Cross-Port
    Date: May 1992
    Topics: Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Drag, Drag balls, Gender realignment surgery, HIV/AIDS, Self-acceptance, Talk shows, Transgender people, Transsexualism, Verbal abuse
    Subject: American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), American Psychiatric Association (APA), Be All You Want to Be, Creative Design Services, Crystal Club, Dick Wolfsie, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Jerry Springer Show, JoAnn Roberts, John Felder, Merissa Sherrill Lynn, Murray Povich, Richard F. Docter, Tapestry Magazine, The Phil Donahue Show, The Thing Shop, Yvonne Cook
    Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985)
  3. Cross-Port, Vol. 1 No. 1.5 (July, 1985)

    Collection: Cross-Port InnerView
    Institution: Digital Transgender Archive
    Creator: Cross-Port
    Date: Jul. 1985
    Topics: Clothing, Crossdressing, Self-acceptance, Transgender people
    Subject: Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, What Sex Am I?
  4. Cross-Talk: The Gender Community's News & Information Monthly, No. 49 (November, 1993)

    Collection: Cross-Talk: The Gender Community’s News & Information Monthly
    Institution: M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University at Albany
    Creator: Richards, Kymberleigh
    Date: Nov. 1993
    Topics: Adoption, Biology, Children of transgender people, Clothing, Comic strips, Coming out, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Drag queens, DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), Employment discrimination, Families, Femininities, FtMs, Gender dysphoria, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, HIV/AIDS, Homophobia, Homosexuality, Hormone therapy, Law, Letters to the editor, Marriage, MtFs, Parenthood, Passing (Gender), Religions, Sexism, Sexuality, Support groups, Transgender community, Transgender people, Transsexual people
    Subject: Carolina Trans-Sensual Alliance, Federated Associated League Supporting Imitation Effeminate Sisters, Gulf Area Gender Alliance, Harry Benjamin Standards of Care, Holly Cross, Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, Northwest Gender Alliance (NWGA), Powder Puffs of California, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, Vox Populi
  5. Femme Mirror, Vol. 22 Iss. 1 (Winter, 1997)

    Collection: Femme Mirror
    Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan
    Creator: Beecroft, Carol
    Date: Winter 1997
    Topics: Bisexuality, Coming out, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Discrimination, Employment discrimination, Femininities, Gay community, Gender, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Law, Passing (Gender), Transgender people
    Subject: 1996 Tri-Ess Convention, Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr., Full Personality Expression (F.P.E.), Holiday En Femme, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), S.P.I.C.E, Second International Congress on Sex & Gender Issues, Sixth Annual Transgender Law and Employment Policy Conference, Transgender Tapestry, Transvestia, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self
  6. FTM Newsletter #15

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Apr. 1991
    Topics: Bisexuality, Bottom surgery, Crossdressers, FtMs, Gay community, Gender affirming surgery, HIV/AIDS, Hormone therapy (Gender), Lesbians, LGBTQ+ relationships, Medical care, Passing (Gender), Testosterone, Transgender people, Transsexual people
    Subject: Biography of Jack B. Garland, Brooke Shields, Gay Historical Society, Gender Transient Affinity, Get-Together, Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, Lesbian and Gay Chr. Movement, LKG TenT, Louis Sullivan, Neptune Society Columbarium, Oregon Health Sciences University, Oregon Health Services University, SOS Sexisme, Steve Dain, The Gender Alternative League, The San Francisco Cronicle, Transsexual Seminar Program
    Description: Issue #15 of FTM International published in April 1991. This issue includes an article about Lou Sullivan's funeral, multiple letters from readers in honor of Lou, and discussions of the cost of ge...
  7. The Femme Mirror, Vol. 24 Iss. 1 (Spring, 1999)

    Collection: Femme Mirror
    Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan
    Creator: Beecroft, Carol
    Date: Spring 1999
    Topics: Acceptance, Appearance, Bible, Coming out, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Femininities, LGBTQ+ partners, Lobbying, Students, Support groups, Transgender people
    Subject: Melanie Rudd
  8. TransSisters: The Journal of Transsexual Feminism No. 10 (Autumn 1995)

    Collection: TransSisters: The Journal of Transsexual Feminism
    Institution: Transgender Oral History Project
    Creator: Gabriel, Davina Anne, Skyclad Publishing Co.
    Date: 1995
    Topics: Activists, Civil rights, Feminism, Gender realignment surgery, Gender role, MtFs, People with disabilities, Queer theory, Transgender culture, Transgender movement, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people, Transsexualism, Women's movement
    Subject: Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), Free State Justice Campaign (FSJC), Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF), International Conference on Transgender Law & Employment Policy (ICTLEP), It's Time America, Jessica Meredith Xavier, Joy Shaffer, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), Lisa Rose, Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, Mirrors: Portrait of a Lesbian Transsexual, National Gender Lobbying Day, National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference, National Organization for Women (NOW), Transgender Health Symposium, Transsexual Menace
    Description: Contents: Letters to the editor -- Trans-action news -- Mission to Michigan IV: no room at the information table -- Through the looking glass -- Introducing Jessica Meredith Xavier -- Transsexual f...