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  1. Correspondence from Lou Sullivan to Angelo Tornabene

    Collection: Lou Sullivan Collection
    Institution: GLBT Historical Society
    Creator: Sullivan, Lou
    Date: 1980s
    Topics: Crossdressing, FtMs, Gender dysphoria, Gender identity, Hormone therapy, Transsexual people
    Subject: Mario Martino
  2. Correspondence from Paul Johnson to Lou Sullivan (November 8, 1988)

    Collection: Lou Sullivan Collection
    Institution: GLBT Historical Society
    Creator: Johnson, Paul
    Date: Nov. 8, 1988
    Topics: Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Femininities, FtMs, Gender identity, Gender role, Masculinities, Organisations, Sexual orientation, Support groups, Transsexual people, Transsexualism
    Subject: FTM Newsletter, Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj
  3. Fantasia Fair Welcome Letter Draft (1988)

    Collection: Fantasia Fair: Miscellaneous Documents
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Kane, Ariadne
    Date: 1988
    Topics: Crossdressing, Events
    Subject: Betty Ann Lind, Mariette Pathy Allen
  4. Letter from Bet Power to Lou Sullivan (June 30, 1988)

    Collection: Lou Sullivan Collection
    Institution: Sexual Minorities Archives
    Creator: Power, Bet, Power, Ben
    Date: Jun. 30, 1988
    Topics: Butches, Career development, Crossdressing, Cruising (LGBTQ+ culture), FtMs, Isolation, Leather community, Letters, LGBTQ+ lovers, Loneliness, SM, Soft butches, Support groups, Therapies
    Subject: Aria, Barbara Gittings, Ben Power, Bet Power, Blush Productions, Butch, FTM Newsletter, Fun with a Sausage, Joan Nestle, Jonathan Katz, Lou Sullivan, New Alexandria Lesbian Library, Smith College, The Ladder
    Description: Handwritten draft of letter included.
  5. Letter from Rupert Raj to Governor Mario Matthew Cuomo (June 13, 1988)

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: Jun. 13, 1988
    Topics: Crossdressers, Crossdressing, FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men
    Subject: Rupert Raj
    Description: Letter from Rupert Raj to Governor Cuomo, in which he expresses support for a grant awarded to Mariette Pathy Allen by the New York State Council for the Arts, and argues in favor of protecting the...
  6. Letter from Rupert Raj to Kitty Carlisle Hart (June 13, 1998)

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: Jun. 13, 1988
    Topics: Crossdressing, FtMs, Gender dysphoria, Hormones, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transsexual people, Transvestites
    Subject: New York Post, Rupert Raj
    Description: Ruper Raj writes to Ms. Kitty Carlise Hart, Director of the New York State Council on the Arts, concerning crossdressing. Includes a newspaper page with articles discussing surgery and hormones.
  7. Letter from Rupert Raj to the New York Post Editor (June 13, 1988)

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: Jun. 13, 1988
    Topics: Crossdressers, Crossdressing, FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender people's writings
    Subject: Rupert Raj
    Description: Letter from Rupert Raj to the Editor of a New York Post article detailing his disappointment with how male crossdressers were described in their work.
  8. Letter from Susan C. Huxford to Rupert Raj (June 21, 1988)

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Huxford, Susan C.
    Date: Jun. 21, 1988
    Topics: Crossdressing
    Subject: GenderServe, Rupert Raj
    Description: Letter from Susan C. Huxford to Rupert Raj. She is writing about the GenderServe Newsletter.
  9. Participants' Guide Outreach Letter from Executive Director (1988)

    Collection: Fantasia Fair: Miscellaneous Documents
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Kane, Ariadne
    Date: 1988
    Topics: Crossdressing, Events, Fairs, Gatherings, Social networks