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Green, Jamison
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Gender affirming surgery
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FTM Newsletter #28
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Green, Jamison Date: Jul. 1994 Topics: Bottom surgery, Crossdressers, Gender affirming surgery, Hormones, Police, Transgender identity Subject: Camp Trans, Identity Management in Transsexualism: A Practical Guide to Managing Identity on Paper, San Francisco International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, San Francisco Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans Freedom Day Parade, Stone Butch Blues, Transgender: A History of Change Description: Issue #28 of FTM International published in July 1994. Includes discussions of successful and unsuccessful FTM gender confirming surgeries, FTM police officer Stephan Thorne, discourse on the term ... -
FTM Newsletter #33
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Green, Jamison Date: Jan. 1996 Topics: Gender affirming surgery, Hormone therapy (Gender), Passing (Gender), Trans men, Trans women Subject: Female Misbehavior, Financial Report, FTM Conference 1995, FTM International, FTM Newsletter, HBO, Jamison Green, Lou Sullivan, Membership, Oregon Citizens Alliance, Oregon Right to Privacy, Press For Change, Talk shows, The Blank Point: What Is Transsexualism?, Transgender Liberation Coalition (TLC), Transsexual News Telegraph, Under Construction, USA Today, What Sex Am I? Description: Issue #33 of FTM International published in January 1996. Includes an article on conceptions of masculinity and femininity and their relation to passing and "realness"; an article on the future of ... -
FTM Newsletter #34
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Green, Jamison Date: May 1996 Topics: FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, MtFs, Packers (Phallus), Testosterone, Transsexual people, Transvestites Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Community United Against Violence (CUAV), FTM Conference, FTM International, Jerry Springer, Jerry Springer Show, Lesbian Avengers, Lou Sullivan, Menace Men, Oregon Health Sciences University, Orlando: A Centennial History, OUT Magazine, Questionnaire, Standards of Care, Steve Dain, Transgender Warriors: A History of Resistance from Joan of Arc to RuPaul, Transgendered Officers Protect and Serve (TOPS), Transsexual Menace, Transsexual News Telegraph, Under the Construction Club, Women's LIberation Description: Issue #34 of FTM International published in May 1996. Includes a story of a particular criminal justice case; an account of successful bottom surgery; responses to a questionnaire; a book review; n...